Focus Kazakhstan – Qañdy Qañtar
An excerpt from the 18th Afield Kitchen Call.
Following the tension and uprising in Kazakhstan, the Afield team has been in touch with Peers Suinbike and Dilda to help support them in finding alternative media outlets to combat the censorship and one-sided narrative of the events propagated by the Kazakh administration. As a result, the two were able to give the network an overview from their point of view of what actually happened in Kazakhstan in the past weeks.
They requested that the global network try and continue to watch Kazakhstan, as the moment the everyone changes channels to a different urgent news in the world, they are likely to face heavy-handed repercussions of the civilian discontentment.
Suinbike Suleimenova is a filmmaker, curator, artist, and art-activist based in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Her process-based art engages with politics, ethics, feminism, art criticism and irony often having no tangible completed form but rather co-existing in between act, archive and object. Dilda Ramazan is an independent curator and art critic from Almaty, Kazakhstan currently based in Paris, France. Dilda’s field of interests lies at the intersection of art and politics as well as practices of self-organisations and grass-root initiatives.